Often referred to as an educational philosophy, differentiated instruction is viewed as a proactive approach to instruction. The model of differentiated instruction requires teachers to tailor their instruction and adjust the curriculum to students’ needs rather than expecting students to modify themselves to fit the curriculum. Bethel Junior Academy teachers are committed to this approach because we believe that who we teach shapes how we teach, because who the students are shapes how they learn.

Differentiated Instruction involves providing students with different avenues to acquiring content, to processing, constructing, or making sense of ideas and to developing teaching materials so that all students within a classroom can learn effectively, regardless of differences in ability. Differentiation stems from beliefs about differences among learners, how they learn, learning preferences and individual interests. Research indicates that many of the emotional or social difficulties gifted students experience disappear when their educational climates are adapted to their level and pace of learning.

Differentiation in education can also include how a student shows that they have mastery of a concept. This could be through a research papers, role play, podcasts, diagrams, posters, etc. The key is finding out how your students learn and displaying their learning in a way that meets their specific needs.